Friday, January 6, 2012

a favor?

So I'm working on some new content for you for 2012, but I'm not sure what
to give you first?
Would you take a quick 10 question survey and let me know what would
help you most in 2012?
There is absolutely nothing for sale, but in addition to the survey there is
also a video where I talk about a major shift I'm making in my business
(and life) in 2012.
I also talk about my background and how I went from struggling to finally
becoming mega successful online in multiple niches. If nothing else, I
hope it can at least inspire you a bit.
You'll find the survey link right below the video. No matter if you decide
to watch the video or not, I'd really appreciate it if you could fill out the
quick survey.
Thanks in advanced!
Ryan Even


14525 SW Millikan Way, #30925, Beaverton, OR 97005-2343, USA

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